Read Tutor Doctor Fraser-Valley Reviews


"Instructional content is a mixture of students homework, workbooks and instructors activities as well as reading.”

--Ryan G

May 08, 2013


"Love our tutors. Love it that they come to me. Love the reports afterwards - really helps me to see how my son is doing. Sciene/ Math tutor actually spends ample time with us after the session giving us verbal feedback as well which is really good.”

--Matthew P

May 02, 2013


"Service provided in the home. Flexible scheduling. We are very pleased with our tutor and her dedication to providing fun learning activities for our child. Easy to renew contract yearly. Emailed reports on each tutor session.”

--Aly H

May 02, 2013


"tutors are great.”

--Eric (

May 01, 2013


"That you work around my schedule. Tutors have been very friendly and easy to have in our home.”

--Karen S

May 01, 2013


"It's nice to be tutored at home”

--Dawn K

Apr 17, 2013


"In home service and personal service. Take's interest in work to be done as well as personal life.”

--Rob I

Apr 12, 2013


"Adriana is working magic with our child.”

--Cal B

Apr 10, 2013


"We have already recommended your services to Tasha Juby who now sees Sherry . We also recommended a present tutor doctor family to try Sherry vs their present tutor. She is creative with her teaching / learning styles , and she is quick to test Jordie at any time to see how she has learned. The reviewing has been great . Jordie looks forward to seeing her !”

--Karen S

Apr 10, 2013


"The tutor we have, Carolyn is amazing. Great with our son and knowledgeable”

--Linda C

Apr 10, 2013


"That its individualize to meet the need of each student”

--Peter C

Apr 04, 2013


"I truly appreicate the excellent servies from your company of your office staff who are kind, efficient and always willing to help and especially the hig quality of tutors that are matched up with the student .”

--Christina M

Mar 29, 2013


"Fast and friendly. Always trying to find the right fit between the tutor and our son.”

--Dana F

Mar 13, 2013


"Flexibility and reliability.”

--Jag G

Mar 07, 2013


"Staff are great and we have enjoyed the tutors that we have had Have been excellent , thanks to Dominque and Susan”

--Eva M

Mar 06, 2013


"Out tutor has made a huge difference to my child's approach to math. She installs confidence and works with my child using identified strengths. She genuinely cares how my child does in her schooling.”

--Diane P

Mar 06, 2013


"We love how quickly you were able to fill our request at providing us with same tutor that my daughter had the pleasure of having Carolyn Hey expertise in tutoring and giving my daughter the confidence in overcoming the difficulties she faced with math 10 and now 11. We are so pleased and happy to have Carolyn continue to fine tune my daughters math skills!”

--Monica S

Mar 06, 2013


"Prompt service, excellent tutors in every respect.”

--Kevin N

Feb 27, 2013


"Everything specially our lovely tutor”

--Sami M

Feb 27, 2013


"I don't,then have to drive around. My children get one on one help while enjoying their home environment.”

--Sukhjit S

Feb 27, 2013